If You’ve Registered
Please Complete The Form.
If you have not Registered, you may do so here: Click Here
We put a lot of time, effort, and paid advertising into supporting our Registrants. We help them acquire new followers and exert greater influence. That said, we recognize that some seek only to support our America First efforts and seek no recognition for themselves. To honor your wishes, please provide the requested information via the form.
- All Supporters are Eligible to Share in the Powerball Without Revealing Any Information;
- All Supporters are Eligible to be placed in The Hall of Heroes if they reveal their GAB URL;
- All Supporters Permitting Us to Depict Their Name and URL are Eligible to Win the Weekly Cash Prize.
Should you win the weekly cash prize, we do not disclose anything but your name—no physical location or other details. We will promote your GAB URL and encourage people to follow you.
Thank you for supporting our America First Agenda! 😉