
Support Our America First Agenda.
You’re Eligible for Cash Prizes & Other Benefits!
Register – Rules – Generational WealthTicketsRecent Results –  The Perfect Gift

We describe two items: 

1.  Our Purpose.
2.  Your Premium.

Our Purpose – Our Purpose is to return the United States to its founding principles. We undertake unrelenting activities to preserve, protect, and defend the US Constitution, thereby working to assure the United States’ global primacy. Our unrelenting America First Agenda includes persistent activism, communication, direct action, and support for the Rule of Law. Registrants keep us in the fight.   

Your Premium – You receive a significant premium when you support our efforts.  When we win, Registrants for the game will share and share alike in a significant Powerball Jackpot.  Everything is yours when you support our America First Agenda.  Your annual investment is only $20/yr. 

What We Do & How It Works.

What We Do:  To generate interest and engagement from a broad audience, we buy Powerball tickets and report the results.  Qualified Registrants will be active in 156 games over the next 12 months.  You could share millions equally with no more than 200 other Registrants.  You’re supporting aggressive America First Activism and playing for millions, all for less than 40 cents/week. Should we win a multi-million dollar jackpot, we commit to share and share alike per the published rules.  To review the rules, Click Here.

Why We Do It:  We need your support to continue our work.  Everyone asks for help.  We make it an easy decision.  We provide fun, engaging, and potentially profitable entertainment along with an aggressive effort to restore and maintain the rule of law in America.   

The Game – The Relentless America First Work.
Is What You Receive!

Everything described above is yours when you support our America First Agenda with a $20/year subscription.  You get everything for less than 40 cents per week.  We report the results to our GAB followers.  When you follow us on GAB, we report to you.

Be sure to follow us:  Click Here.

Texas Journal Registrants Get Everything!!  Thank You!

God Bless America. 

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