Another Texas Enron

Another Texas Enron

Thanks to the Texas Public School’s “Teach to Cheat” and “Pretend to Pass” policies, we have another Texas scandal of Enron proportions.

A May 18, 2005 editorial in the Austin American Statesman revealed that fully 50% of the freshmen entering state colleges require remediation in math, reading or writing. 


In the words of The Statesman, this statistic is:


“A harsh condemnation of public education in Texas”


Texas Educrats can’t use their usual excuses.  These are not underprivileged children.  These are not inner city children.  These are all children.  They got their ticket punched, received a Texas High School Diploma and departed on a train to nowhere. 


Again, as revealed by the Austin American Statesman:


Fifty Percent of Our Best Can’t Read, Write or Compute.



The techniques used to educate our children seemed to work wonders for a while. Unfortunately for Texas Educrats, once our children leave Texas Public Schools, they can no longer fudge, obfuscate and lie. 


Some of the innovative educational strategies that brought us to this sad state of affairs include:


Teach To Cheat

When Texas students can’t pass a test, Educrats simply show them how to cheat.  No muss, no fuss, everyone gets a raise and goes home on time.  For additional discussion: Click Here.


Pretend To Pass

If cheating at the school level isn’t enough to get test scores out of the dumper, Texas Educrats have other creative ways to pretend our children are learning.  For example, Shirley Neeley’s Texas Education Agency immediately raised the number of Texas public schools achieving Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) as required by No Child Left Behind (NCLB) from about 50% to over 90%.  Building on the Texas Public Schools “Teach To Cheat” strategy she added her own twist.  Thanks to Dr. Neeley, we also “Pretend To Pass”.  For additional discussion:  Click Here. 


Then, it all came crashing down.  Texas High School Graduates left the wild, wacky, unaccountable world of Texas Public Schools and walked into reality.  They quickly learned that half of their number was ill prepared for the challenges ahead.  It was a rude awakening.  Denying students and their families competent Educators exacted a steep price from children who believed their future was bright.   



The arrogance of Texas Educrats is producing some of America’s least capable graduates.  Thanks to Texas Educrats, our best and our brightest aren’t.  The pain, the suffering, and the lies weigh heavily on Texas families victimized by our public school system.  Texas families have done their job.  They’ve scrimped, they’ve saved, and they’ve sacrificed to send their children to college, only to learn that their children are out of their depth.  They bet on Texas Public Schools, and lost.


Now their kids are mired in a remedial program that compounds the challenges of obtaining a college degree.  This excerpt from “The Condition of Education 2004” published by the National Center for Educational Statistics doesn’t bode well for these Texas families.  


“Despite assistance offered through remediation, students enrolled in remediation are less likely to earn a degree or certificate.”


Wouldn’t it be nice to have been told the truth?  If these ambitious students had been served by competent Educators they would have been aware of their deficiencies and taken steps to improve.  It was not to be.  Either through indifference or inability, Texas Educrats damned these families to a difficult, precarious and arduous path.



As evidenced by objective results we know that 50% of our best require remediation.  From this we can infer that at least 50% of Texas High Schools are in a state of despair, disrepair and disrepute.


It doesn’t have to be this way. 


Half of Texas Public Schools are doing a good job.  Fifty percent of our college bound children walked out of their Texas public high school and soared into the university of their choice.  They’re making the grade, they’re achieving their dreams, they’re living large and they’re singing the praises of the quality Education they received at their Texas Public, Private or Parochial School.


We need to build on these successes in order to improve Texas education.  That means all children must be able to choose the location and the competent Educator that will provide them a quality education.  That means school choice.


Do not dismiss this.  This IS worse than Enron.  We’ll handle it the same way.  We’ll fix Texas public schools the same way we fixed Enron.  Look around; Enron and the entities that assisted in perpetuating their fraud are gone.  Texan’s didn’t wait for the government to make a decision.  We did it ourselves.  Texans who refused to do business with Enron precipitated their demise.  That’s exactly what needs to happen with failing Texas public schools. 


Right now, it’s impossible to do. 


The Texas Educrats inflicting this systemic failure on your children just keep going and going and going.  They remain unmoved by your children’s plight.  No matter what happens, they know they’ll continue to drink deeply from Austin’s massive mammary.  They’re never forced to face the people they’ve hurt.  


What’s the solution?


Empower parents with school choice so they may deliver their children to the 50% of Texas Educators that know how to teach.  Whether these caring Educators are found in a Public, Private or Parochial school doesn’t matter.  The only thing that matters is our children and maximizing their potential. 


Don’t Have Children?


You’re not off the hook.  To protect your future and the future of Texas you need to join us.  Failed Texas Educrats are costing you billions and driving Texas into the tank.  For additional discussion, Click Here.


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Make your voice heard for Texas children.  Contact your State Senator, State Representative, the Governor, and the Lt. Governor and your State School Board of Education Representative.  Ask them to say YES to education, YES to achievement, YES to Texas Children, and YES to school choice.


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