Hustling The Homeless

Hustling The Homeless  

Another scandal rocks Texas Public Schools.  This time, it’s in The Alamo City.  San Antonio ISD employees, some earning six figures, all unqualified, placed their children in programs intended for poor homeless children.  Hundreds of thousands of dollars were diverted from the needy to the affluent.  Superintendent Dr. Ruben Olivarez acts decisively.  They all received written reprimands.

This article is based, in part, on reporting by San Antonio’s WOAI.   Their Troubleshooter program rooted out endemic corruption in The San Antonio Independent School District.  We thank them for their diligence and courage.  To visit WOAI, Click Here.


The Educrats in question stole from a Pre-K program to help needy kids.  To qualify, children must speak little or no English or their parents must be poor and/or homeless.


At this writing investigators are reviewing 79 children going back to the 2000-2001 school year.  These are the children of Educrats that may have stolen from the poor.  WOAI reports that the program in question spends $14 Million dollars to support 4,200 poor homeless children.  That’s $3,333 each to assure San Antonio’s most disadvantaged children are cared for.  Apparently, seventy-nine wealthy kids displaced 79 of San Antonio’s homeless representing a theft of $263,000.00.  If the wealthy children received multiple years of service, the damage inflicted on San Antonio’s needy could quickly reach millions.


Don’t worry.  They’re all getting written reprimands.


San Antonio ISD’s circumstances are especially troubling.  Due to persistent mismanagement, they’ve long been recognized as a district in distress.  Thankfully for them, San Antonio is home to one of America’s great philanthropists, James Leininger.  Mr. Leininger has devoted massive amount of his personal time and treasure to assure that San Antonio’s underprivileged children are educated.  It’s aggravating that caring business people are pouring money into San Antonio ISD while greedy Educrats are stealing it from poor homeless children.


Don’t worry.  They’re all getting written reprimands.


The apparent level of district wide complicity is astounding.  Eva Leal-Trevino a six-figure income Educrat and Director of San Antonio Independent School District’s Early Childhood Education Program was the first one fingered for theft, however, she’s not alone.  WOAI reports that 61 principals and teachers are involved.




61 San Antonio ISD Principals And Teachers


were stealing from homeless children.  How could so many high level Educrats be involved and everyone throughout the district not know?  How could Superintendent Olivarez not know his so-called “Educators” were stealing San Antonio blind?  With 61 Principals and Teachers stealing from homeless children, it seems it must be persistent pernicious, pervasive, planned criminal activity systemic throughout the district.


Don’t worry.  They’re all getting written reprimands.


The 79th Texas Legislature helped twist the knife in San Antonio’s most vulnerable children.  Representative Harper-Brown’s bill providing modest educational vouchers for Texas’ most at risk children included San Antonio.  Cowed by Teacher’s Unions and Teacher’s with Pitchforks, skittish lawmakers abandoned the kids and headed for the tall grass.  Harper-Browns bill would have provided money delivered through parents, not Educrats, thereby assuring the money would be used for our children.    For more on Harper-Brown’s bill:  Click Here.   For more on Teacher’s with Pitchforks:  Click Here.


Don’t worry.  They’re all getting written reprimands.


It’s so much more than money.  The cost of San Antonio’s Educrats greed is inestimable.  How many minds were lost, how many criminals created?  Of the tens, perhaps hundreds of homeless children left on the street, how many physicians, educators, statesmen and business leaders did we loose?  How many gang members, drug addicts, murderers and thieves did we create?  The next time a citizen of San Antonio is victimized by crime, he should ask the perpetrator where he went to school.  I suspect that he’ll say, San Antonio ISD.


Don’t worry.  They’re all getting written reprimands.


San Antonio ISD is not alone.  You can find instances of egregious Educrat malfeasance elsewhere.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  With fully funded Texas education vouchers families, not greedy Educrats, will control their children’s education.  When Texans are provided the “Power of the Purse” we’ll no longer rely on the “Back Slapping Good Ole Boys” to educate our children.  Children will no longer be at the mercy of inattentive superintendents, instead, parents will call the shots.

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