Framework for Victory
How We Persist and Prevail
Texas Journal makes a difference. You can help by following our lead. Our Framework for Victory permits you to be effective at the local, state, and national levels. We regularly write, speak, communicate, and work diligently to create a brighter future for ourselves and our posterity. You can use our resources to amplify your impact.
We are 100% America First. Every other nation’s existence is valid only to the extent they do not harm the United States.
We’re more fortunate than France, Canada, Germany or any other country with a centrally controlled government. We’re not a Democracy, we’re a Federal Republic. This gives us a decided advantage. Our Federal Republic makes the Framework for Victory possible. To avoid the destruction and dissolution of the United States, it’s imperative that Governors invoke the Tenth Amendment permitting them act independently rather than as vassals of Washington. If Washington acts unlawfully, Governors are duty bound to reject the overreach. That provides us with leverage that others don’t have.
Our work preserving and protecting States Rights and the rights of citizens led us to create:
Texas Journal Policy Papers – We’ve covered topics in-depth, providing a perspective available nowhere else. Recent topics include:
- Why Attorney General Garland Must Be Impeached
- Why the United States Armed Forces Can’t Recruit
- The Coming Dissolution of the United States
To review the complete list: Click Here
Texas Journal Ten Minute Messages – We produce short videos focusing on a single topic providing insight and actionable information to keep you educated and informed. Recent topics include:
- America’s Silent Secession
- Zuckerberg – Stupifying Americans – Buying Elections
- Biden’s Raced Based SCOTUS Judge Selections
To review the complete list: Click Here
Texas Journal Tenth Amendment Project – Followers are welcome to use the preceding information to help create original communications to your elected representatives. If you’d like to model on what we’ve done, you can review recent Guberatorial and Congressional Communications at The Texas Journal Tenth Amendment Project. Click Here. For a complete explanation of the Texas Journal Tenth Amendment Project, Click Here.
Together, these three resources are your Framework for Victory.
GAB must prosper and prevail. Tech oligarchs, socialist politicians and non-profit busybody’s are anxious to silence you. Facebook and Twitter removed President Trump while he was still in the White House. Many of you were deplatformed too. If GAB dies, we’re done. To prevent this, Texas Journal has skin in the game.
Here’s how Texas Journal directly contributes to GAB’s success.
- We Have Two Lifetime GAB Pro Accounts – Texas Journal & The Story of Texas.
- We are GAB Donors.
- We are GAB Advertisers.
- We are GAB Investors, We Purchased GAB Stock.
- We talk GAB Up to Friends, Foes, Family and Strangers Incessantly.
What we do takes a lot of time and effort. If you don’t have time to help, there’s an alternative. Become a Texas Journal Registrant. We’ll continue the work while working to expand your online reach.
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Thank You For Reviewing Our Presentation. Texas Journal has three important asks. Each of these add significant momentum to our collective success. Doing any or all of them helps keep America a free country.
Thank You!
Dave Zenker
Editor, Texas Journal