Irresistible Revolution
Marxism’s Conquest of the US Military
by LtCol Matthew Lohmeier
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LtCol Matthew Lohmeier’s Irresistible Revolution is a provocative critique of what he perceives as the systemic infiltration of Marxist ideologies into the U.S. military. A former Space Force commander relieved of duty for speaking out against Critical Race Theory (CRT) and “woke” policies, Lohmeier argues that progressive social agendas have supplanted the military’s core mission: to deter and defeat adversaries. He identifies five principal methods by which Marxist-inspired doctrines have been institutionalized, undermining warfighting readiness. Below, these methods are enumerated with illustrative examples, followed by a strident call for course correction.
1. Ideological Training Programs
The military has adopted mandatory training focused on race, gender, and social justice rather than combat readiness. These programs often frame traditional American values as inherently oppressive.
- Example: The Air Force’s 2021 Department of the Air Force Inspector General’s Diversity and Disparity Review mandated CRT-inspired training, labeling “colorblindness” as a form of racism.
- Example: The Navy’s Task Force One Navy initiative required sailors to undergo “unconscious bias” training, prioritizing identity politics over technical proficiency.
2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Quotas
Personnel decisions increasingly prioritize demographic representation over merit, eroding standards, and unit cohesion.
- Example: The Pentagon’s 2022 Military Recruitment and Retention Strategy explicitly tied promotion boards to “diversity metrics,” pressuring leaders to select candidates based on identity.
- Example: The Army’s 2023 People First campaign diverted resources to DEI offices while cutting funding for live-fire exercises.
3. Revisions to Military Education and Doctrine
Service academies and professional military education (PME) curricula now emphasize social activism over warfighting theory.
- Example: West Point’s Diversity and Inclusion Studies Program introduced courses on “systemic racism” and “heteronormativity,” displacing classes on maneuver warfare.
- Example: The Naval War College’s Ethics and Emerging Military Technology seminar framed “climate justice” as a core strategic priority, sidelining discussions on countering Chinese cyber threats.
4. Suppression of Dissent
Critics of progressive policies face censorship, investigations, or punitive reassignments, chilling free speech.
- Example: Lohmeier himself was relieved of command in 2021 after criticizing CRT in a podcast interview, despite doing so off-duty and in accordance with DOD policy.
- Example: A 2022 Army memo prohibited soldiers from “criticizing DEI initiatives” on social media, equating dissent with “extremism.”
5. Alignment With Political Movements
Senior leaders openly endorse partisan causes, politicizing the military and alienating conservative service members.
- Example: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley’s 2021 congressional testimony defending CRT as “important to understand ‘white rage,’” a statement Lohmeier condemned as divisive.
- Example: The Marine Corps’ 2020 publication of Leading Marines (MCWP 6-10) included guidance on “allyship” for LGBTQ+ causes, blurring lines between advocacy and leadership.
Conclusion: Return to Warfighting—Now
The U.S. military stands at a precipice. Every hour spent indoctrinating troops in neo-Marxist dogma, policing pronouns, or groveling before identity politics shrines is an hour stolen from preparing for war against China, Russia, or Iran. The Pentagon’s obsession with social engineering has left ships rusting, pilots under-trained, and battalions demoralized. To reverse this crisis, three actions are non-negotiable:
- Abolish DEI Bureaucracies: Dismantle every office, task force, and program dedicated to divisive ideologies. Reallocate resources to weapons modernization and joint exercises.
- Restore Meritocracy: Promote based on competence, courage, and character—not melanin levels or gender identity.
- Depoliticize Leadership: Replace social activists in uniform with warriors. A general’s role is to win battles, not opine on “whiteness” or climate change.
The American military exists to fight and win wars. Every deviation from this purpose invites catastrophe. If we fail to purge this ideological rot today, we risk losing not just the next war but the soul of the institution that has safeguarded liberty for 250 years. The time for complacency is over. Return to warfighting—now.