The Manliness of Christ
How the Masculinity of Jesus Eradicates Effeminate Christianity
by Dale Partridge
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In his book The Manliness of Christ: How the Masculinity of Jesus Eradicates Effeminate Christianity, Dale Partridge addresses the issue of effeminacy in modern Christianity and argues that a return to the masculine example of Jesus is necessary to restore the faith to its original strength and purpose. Partridge identifies several key problems that contribute to an effeminate Christianity, which undermines the true nature of the Gospel and weakens the Church.
- Aversion to conflict: One of the primary issues Partridge identifies is the tendency of effeminate Christianity to avoid conflict and confrontation. Rather than standing firm on biblical principles and boldly proclaiming the truth, many Christians and churches today shy away from controversial topics and difficult conversations. This aversion to conflict is rooted in a desire to maintain comfort and avoid offending others, but it ultimately leads to a watered-down faith that fails to challenge and transform lives.
- Emotionalism over truth: Another problem Partridge highlights is the prioritization of emotionalism over truth in effeminate Christianity. Instead of grounding their faith in the objective reality of Scripture and the historical facts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, many Christians today emphasize subjective feelings and experiences more. This emotionalism often leads to a shallow, sentimental faith lacking the depth and substance needed to withstand life’s challenges and the enemy’s attacks.
- Passivity and complacency: Effeminate Christianity also promotes passivity and complacency among believers. Rather than actively engaging in the work of the Kingdom and taking up their cross daily, many Christians today are content to attend church services and participate in religious activities without ever truly committing themselves to the cause of Christ. This passivity and complacency not only hinder personal spiritual growth but also undermine the Church’s ability to impact the world for the better.
- Rejection of biblical masculinity: Finally, Partridge argues that effeminate Christianity often involves a rejection of biblical masculinity in favor of a more feminine or gender-neutral approach to faith. This can be seen in how many churches and Christian leaders today downplay or ignore the masculine qualities of Jesus and the biblical call for men to be strong, courageous, and assertive leaders in their families and communities. By rejecting these masculine ideals, effeminate Christianity undermines the God-given roles and responsibilities of men and contributes to a broader cultural confusion about gender and sexuality.
In conclusion, Dale Partridge’s The Manliness of Christ offers a timely and provocative critique of effeminate Christianity and its problems for the Church and individual believers. By addressing issues such as aversion to conflict, emotionalism over truth, passivity and complacency, and the rejection of biblical masculinity, Partridge challenges readers to embrace Jesus’s true, masculine example and live out their faith with boldness, conviction, and strength.