Enumerated Powers
Enumerated Powers are powers the states have granted the Federal Government. There are very few enumerated powers. The Federal Government is derelict in many of these Enumerated Powers leaving it to Governors to care for their citizens.
The Enumerated Powers are:
- Regulating interstate and foreign commerce: The federal government has the authority to regulate trade and commerce between states and with foreign nations. This power is derived from the Constitution’s Commerce Clause (Article I, Section 8).
- Coining money and regulating its value: The federal government has the power to coin money, establish a standard of weights and measures, and regulate the value of currency (Article I, Section 8).
- Defending the country: The federal government is responsible for providing for the common defense and maintaining the armed forces (Article I, Section 8).
- Declaring war: Only Congress has the authority to declare war (Article I, Section 8). However, the President, as Commander in Chief of the military, has the power to direct military actions.
- Establishing and maintaining post offices and post roads: The federal government has the power to establish and operate postal services (Article I, Section 8).
- Establishing a federal judiciary: The Constitution grants the federal government the power to establish federal courts, including the Supreme Court, and to define and punish crimes committed on the high seas and offenses against the law of nations (Article I, Section 8).
- Imposing taxes and tariffs: The federal government has the authority to levy taxes and tariffs to raise revenue (Article I, Section 8).
- Creating and enforcing laws necessary for carrying out its powers: The Necessary and Proper Clause (Article I, Section 8) grants Congress the authority to make laws that are necessary for executing its enumerated powers.
- Negotiating treaties and conducting foreign affairs: The President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, has the power to make treaties with foreign nations (Article II, Section 2).
The Federal Government is derelict in many of it’s responsibilities. That leaves “Promoting the General Welfare” up to the Governors. We must make sure our Governor’s understand this. Their powers are plenipotentiary, with the consent of the governed. There is no reason for them to be timid.
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